Tuesday, July 2, 2024


The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election: Trump vs. Biden

As the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches, the political landscape is once again dominated by two familiar figures: incumbent President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Both candidates bring with them a set of policies and track records that deeply influence public opinion and voter sentiment. This article explores how both candidates could succeed in the current election, evaluates the good and bad policies of the Biden administration, compares them with Trump's policies, and discusses the potential impact of the election on the region, particularly on the issue of Palestine.

Biden's Path to Success

1. Economic Recovery Post-Pandemic: One of Biden's key strategies for securing re-election is highlighting the economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic. Under his administration, the U.S. saw significant job growth and reductions in unemployment. The Biden administration's stimulus packages, including the American Rescue Plan, provided direct financial relief to millions of Americans, boosted consumer spending, and aided in the reopening of businesses.

2. Infrastructure and Innovation: Biden's ambitious infrastructure plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, aims to modernize America's infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and public transit systems. This initiative not only promises job creation but also positions the U.S. for long-term economic growth. Additionally, Biden has emphasized investment in green energy and technological innovation to combat climate change and create new industries.

3. Social Policies and Healthcare: Biden's administration has made significant strides in expanding access to healthcare, particularly through efforts to strengthen the Affordable Care Act (ACA). His policies on education, such as increased funding for public schools and proposals for free community college, aim to reduce inequality and provide more opportunities for all Americans.

Criticisms of Biden's Policies

Despite these successes, there are several areas where Biden's policies have faced criticism:

1. Immigration: Biden's immigration policies, aimed at reversing Trump-era restrictions, have faced backlash from both sides of the political spectrum. While some praise his more humane approach, others argue that it has led to increased illegal immigration and border security challenges.

2. Inflation and Economic Concerns: Inflation has been a significant issue during Biden's tenure, with rising prices affecting everyday Americans. Critics argue that the administration's stimulus measures have contributed to inflationary pressures, although the global supply chain crisis and other factors also play a role.

3. Afghanistan Withdrawal: The chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2021 was widely criticized. The rapid fall of Kabul to the Taliban and the ensuing humanitarian crisis damaged Biden's approval ratings and raised questions about his administration's foreign policy competence.

Trump's Path to Success

1. Economic Performance: Trump's campaign is likely to focus heavily on his pre-pandemic economic record, characterized by low unemployment rates, tax cuts, and deregulation efforts. He will argue that his policies led to one of the strongest economies in recent history and that he is the candidate to restore that prosperity.

2. Immigration and Border Security: Trump's hardline stance on immigration remains popular among his base. He will emphasize his efforts to build the border wall and reduce illegal immigration, contrasting them with what he describes as Biden's "open borders" approach.

3. Law and Order: Trump's "law and order" rhetoric resonates with voters concerned about crime and civil unrest. He will likely highlight his support for law enforcement and efforts to combat crime, positioning himself as the candidate who can restore safety and security.

Criticisms of Trump's Policies

However, Trump's tenure was not without significant controversies and criticisms:

1. Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic was widely criticized. His administration's mixed messages on public health measures, along with delays in responding to the crisis, contributed to a high death toll and economic disruption.

2. Division and Rhetoric: Trump's often divisive rhetoric and handling of racial tensions in the country have been sources of significant criticism. His response to events such as the Charlottesville rally and protests against police brutality were seen by many as exacerbating divisions within the country.

3. Foreign Policy: Trump's "America First" foreign policy approach, including his confrontational stance toward allies and withdrawal from international agreements, led to strained relationships with several countries. While his supporters view this as prioritizing American interests, critics argue it weakened the U.S.'s global standing.

Comparison of Policies

Economic Policies:

  • Biden: Focuses on stimulus spending, infrastructure investment, and green energy.
  • Trump: Prioritizes tax cuts, deregulation, and traditional energy industries.


  • Biden: Seeks to expand the ACA and increase access to healthcare.
  • Trump: Aimed to repeal and replace the ACA but faced challenges in doing so.


  • Biden: Advocates for more humane immigration policies and pathways to citizenship.
  • Trump: Enforced strict immigration controls and prioritized border security.

Potential Impact on the Region and Palestine

The outcome of the U.S. election will have significant implications for international relations and regional stability, particularly in the Middle East and Palestine.

Under a Biden Administration: Biden has attempted to restore traditional alliances and engage in multilateral diplomacy. His administration has expressed support for a two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, although tangible progress has been limited. A second term could see increased diplomatic efforts and potentially more pressure on Israel to negotiate.

Under a Trump Administration: Trump's approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was marked by strong support for Israel, including moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. His administration brokered the Abraham Accords, normalizing relations between Israel and several Arab nations. A second Trump term would likely continue this pro-Israel stance, potentially at the expense of Palestinian interests.

Who Will Be the Next President?

Predicting the outcome of the election is challenging due to the dynamic nature of U.S. politics. Biden's campaign will focus on economic recovery, social justice, and healthcare, while Trump will emphasize his economic record, immigration policies, and law and order approach. The election will ultimately hinge on voter perceptions of these issues and the candidates' ability to mobilize their bases.


The 2024 U.S. presidential election presents a stark choice between two divergent visions for America's future. The policies and leadership styles of Biden and Trump offer voters distinct options, each with its strengths and criticisms. The election's outcome will not only shape domestic policy but also influence international relations and regional stability, including the complex dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As the campaign unfolds, the candidates' ability to address the concerns and aspirations of the American people will be critical in determining who will lead the nation for the next four years.

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